Educational Resources package consists of 30 documents with links to inform you and there you can access the educational resources including technology and science so much needed for acquiring new skills of the 21 century! Powerful yet easy-to-use software tools can empower educators and students alike to create top-quality digital tutorials to contribute and build support for all learners.
Paketa e Burimeve Edukative perbehet nga 30 dokumente me linke qe do t'ju informojne dhe atje do te keni akses te burimeve edukative te sigurta dhe cilesore duke perfshire teknologjine dhe shkences, aq shume te nevojshme per fitimin e aftesive te reja te shekullit te 21! Mjete softwaresh me cilesore na ndihmojne per te krijuar tutoriale dixhitale qe kontribuojne dhe sigurojne mbeshtetje per te gjithe nxenesit dhe kedo ne bote!

Builders of the Dream STEAM Foundation
ICT for success in all areas of study and work, Science, Math, Engineering
"Builders of the Dream STEAM Foundation with ARTS Integration supports STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) education in our world community. Our goal is to make the best education and professional training in all areas of ICT, Science, Math and the Arts universally accessible to all students.
All our Educational Resources are now available on discount for only 3 $ each

Accelerated Scratch Course !!! for 10-15 year olds of grades 6-9, in 5, 2 h sessions each, for 100 $ in total, one on one or in groups of 2-5 students, with excellent teaching practices to driving real-world innovations.

Trust in dreams, for in them is the hidden gate to eternity. Kahlil Gibran
1 John 2:27 So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship with Christ.

Our students test on average 78% better then nationwide averages on computer skills