Builders of the Dream STEAM Foundation
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A hotlist on Internet Hotsposts
Science/Mathematics/Literature/Writing (excerpt Online)
•Columbia Education Center Lesson Plans – (https://ctl.columbia.edu/ ) Contains a large database of lesson plans k-12 in a variety of subject areas. This database requires the teacher to browse through the lessons to locate those that are appropriate to particular grade levels. You can use the site to create online exams. (Creating Online Exams (columbia.edu) Using Canvas for Quizzes, Tests, and Exams – Teach Remotely (dartmouth.edu)
“Faculty and graduate instructors at Columbia University are world renowned for their prowess in the classroom. With a focus on empowering learners through student-centered approaches, the Center for Teaching and Learning partners with the Columbia teaching community to help shape the future of higher education on campus, and beyond.”
The CTL provides a range of free services including teaching consultations and observations, and educational technology training and support; programs and events, including workshops, orientations, and institutes, and the development of digital innovations in teaching and learning.
•Cyber Guides : Supplemental, stards-based, web-delivered units of instruction are centers on core works of literature. The guides have been created for students in grades K-12 and in many cases provide teachers with multiple reading selections that allow students to read a variety of reading texts as they explore a theme or a specific topic. You will also want to check out other links at this site. There is a wealth of teacher resources, including graphic organizers that can be used with your students. The guides contain novel-based supplementary literacy activities, many of which are still of solid educational value today.(Cyberguides: free web-based literature units for k-12 | HomeschoolRecess.com)
• The AskERIC Lesson Plan - The AskERIC Lesson Plan (http//ericir.syr.edu/Virtual/Lessons/) Collection contains more than 1,000 unique lesson plans which have been written and submitted to AskERIC by teachers from all over the United States.
•Figure This! (https://figurethis.nctm.org/index.html ) Launched by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, this site offers a set of problems, complete with solutions, for families to work on at home.
Further more: Hotsposts for online science museums, and hands-on activities on science such as astronomy, climate change, technology ,etc. , and Master Educator Program, Award-winning Early Learning Steam + Literacy Curriculum children’s media, ideas and opportunities for engaging students in technology, rubrics etc. To access this buy for 1 € at: https://www.orkidamuca.com/educational-resources