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Creating Effective Educational Videos: Creating Effective Educational Videos | Columbia CTL
How to make Videos like Khan Academy ?
What software program/equipment is used to make Khan Academy videos?
by Orkida Muca
The Basic steps involved in making tutorial videos would be to prepare your lesson, record your drawing and narration with the video screen capture program.
Software programs needed:
Camtasia Khan Academy is used heavily by instructional designers. It allows flexibility to create content, publish and distribute to learners on time, without involving too much cost and labour-intensive training.
Camstudio (Free)
It is an open source program, basic but effective indeed. It aids you to produce AVI and Flash Movies.
Add drawings and animations. Khan academy-style tablet drawing tutorials are more engaging than PowerPoint slides. The visual flow of animated text and graphics draw and keep the learner’s attention for longer.
Drawing Program
Khan Academy Drawing Tool are used for on-screen writing and the best part is that almost all famous programs needed for this are free:
It is a neat free-hand drawing application used by Khan Academy.
SmoothDraw3 can be integrated with a graphic tablet to produce good results in spite of the fact that it is very lightweight and simple to use.
You can indeed forget about learning any software tools and create amazing pictures like a professional using smoothdraw khan academy.
Microsoft Paint (Free)
Coherence principle – limit extraneous content. Learning is better when words, pictures, and sounds unrelated to the essential material are excluded rather than included. Keep your content simple, limiting your words and visual elements to only what is strictly necessary to achieve learning.
Segmenting principle – break down the content in your video. Learning is better when content is presented in learner-paced segments. Create multiple, short, single-concept videos of 6 minutes or less (Guo, et al, 2014) rather than one long one.
Contiguity principle – coordinate corresponding content. Learning is better when corresponding words and pictures are presented near rather than far from each other on the screen (spatial contiguity) and when corresponding words and pictures are presented simultaneously (temporal contiguity). For example, place printed words near corresponding parts of graphics to reduce need for visual scanning.
Signalling principle – provide cues for how to process the material. Learning is better when learners don’t have to look for the essential material, but cues are used to direct their attention to the critical aspects of the content. Signal verbal material using an outline, headings, highlighting, and use pointer words (such as first, second, third on your slides. Signal visual material with arrows, flashing, spotlighting, and other annotations.
You can review all twelve principles in Applying the Science of Learning: Evidence Based Principles for the Design of Multimedia Instruction (Richard E. Mayer 2008).
Source: https://www.vidsaga.com/how-to-make-videos-like-khan-academy/